
Covid-19 Can Seriously Damage Sperm Quality

Following research showing that Covid-19 causes erection problems, the virus has delivered men another kick in the nuts.

Research from Belgium shows that after Covid-19 sperm is 'suboptimal' for at least three months. Sperm count was down 37% in the first month after infection. A small number of men - 2.5% - developed antisperm antibodies which can seriously affect fertility longer term.

There was no link between the severity of symptoms and the effect on sperm suggesting that even mild infection could still seriously affect a man's fertility.

The researchers estimated the recovery time as three months, but further follow-up studies are under way to confirm this and to determine if any permanent damage occurs.

The one piece of good news was that sperm was not infectious meaning Covid-19 probably cannot be passed on in this way.

Post time: Oct-25-2022